Tuesday 7 May 2019

Module Evaluation

Module Evaluation

Throughout 603 I pushed myself to develop more skills in the areas I am most interested in pursuing, these include: web design, branding, layout and ux design (app design). Although I focused mainly on these areas, I also tried completing briefs that were a little out of my comfort zone, in order to prepare for industry where it is highly likely I will be asked to do some design tasks I am not as comfortable with. My strengths are research, a lot of research before beginning to design, which is a good thing but can also be a curse. With this in mind I did a few short briefs with a time constraint that made sure I didn’t dwell on research for too long.

With all of the briefs I completed I made sure to have a wide range of knowledge on both the subject, as well as design skills and tools that can be used to compliment the subject. I have been consistent with reading design blogs, keeping up to date with studios I am in interested in and being inspired by both their style of work and approach to the field. I have made sure to complete only work that I can fully immerse myself in, in order to produce the best outcome and not wasting time on pieces of work that don’t both excite and challenge me. Time management has been a big factor in completing extended practice, it has been essential to keep a diary and plan my weeks ahead to ensure I had enough time to complete everything to a high standard. As I develop work, I am sure to document the process and talk about my design decisions at the time, as if I left it later it wouldn’t be as impactful and I couldn’t talk about it with as much passion. Using blogger to document my work has taught me to plan time for the admin side, as well as encouraging me to keep a record of design development.

Experimentation is also a key skill, having creative block is a common problem and the way to get through it for me has been to try and get out as many ideas as possible with pen and paper, before diving straight into the Adobe Suite. Ongoing review and evaluation is essential to having a successful outcome, as I develop and design I am sure to keep referring back to research, as well as what the brief is actually asking me, at every stage of the design process I have made sure to ask myself am I still answering the brief, and not veering off in a different direction. Through extended practise I have also gained transferable skills such as: team working through collaboration, dealign with clients and having to push them in the right design route. In general my time keeping skills and planning have also improved, and dealing with stress and juggling briefs has become second nature, ensuring I will be able to handle the industry pressure. I have approached every brief with an open mind and produced strong outcomes that answer the briefs in both a visually pleasing way, with also being full of context and meaning.

Monday 6 May 2019


Know Your Onions: Web Design - Drew de Soto
It’s Nice That Magazine Autumn/ Winter 2016
The Graphic Design Idea Book - Steven Heller & Gail Anderson
Make Your Own Luck - Kate Moross
The A-Z of Visual Ideas - John Ingledew

Statement of Intent

Through 603 extended practice I plan to primarily explore my interest in branding, layout and web design. I will also explore print and packaging, as these are areas that I enjoy however feel I could push myself more in. My finished body of work will be a strong portfolio of work that I feel represents me as a designer, and through research and brief selection, my interests as a person.

Friday 3 May 2019

SB9: Evaluation

For this quick brief, I decided to produce three outcomes with three different interpretations of the brief. The outcomes are different in terms of their style of design, the message they send out, and the t-shirt design in terms of placement and colour. I wanted to challenge myself by producing work in a different style than I am used to, having three submissions also higher the chance of being successful within the competition. The brief began with some research into t-shirt designs they have previously sold for campaign CoppaFeel - all of these designs were very illustrative by nature and included a lot of bodies, with this theme being diversity bodies are also relevant - but as they had been used a lot in that campaign I made a mental note and conscious effort to steer away in a different direction for my designs. From this point, I did some other visual research, whilst also looking at quotes around the theme of diversity, this inspired the initial sketches, which I then chose the three strongest and developed them. The biggest constraint of this brief was the fact you had to include their Pantone yellow within your design, for one of the designs 'primary heart' the colour itself has great meaning - in that the three primary colours can be used to make any colour, which is very relevant to the race aspect of diversity. However with the other two designs I simply concentrated on the message and design complimenting the shade. I have never done any clothing related design before but really enjoyed it, designs for t-shirts must be strong and eye-catching as they are such a blank canvas and I believe all three designs stand out and stand alone well. The competition aspect of the brief itself was a great driving force it wanting to complete strong work, in a short space of time and from the get go it was important to make quick decisions and experiment as much as possible before settling on the final ideas - in the time I had.  

Thursday 2 May 2019

SB9: Submission

I wasn't sure where to submit my designs to enter the competition as there was no information on the brief. I emailed Ayesha (the woman who sent the brief to Amber) to find out where to submit. She informed me to just email it in.

I added the right size and resolution designs with an explanation for the designs to ensure they are fairly judged for their meaning and relevancy to diversity. 

Wednesday 1 May 2019

SB9: Finished Designs

The flowers design would be on a black t-shirt. 

The hands up design would be large and central on a white t-shirt. 

The primary heart design would be placed on the pocket of the white t-shirt. 

Monday 29 April 2019

SB9: Development 03

The third and final design I developed was 1 - 'hands up if you love the skin you're in' is about coming together and being positive about who you are. This was to be the most simplistic design of them all, requiring only some hands up vectors, not far from the initial sketch ideas. 

I decided to have the illustrated hands at different heights to signify diversity, and have them coming from the top to represent all cultures and places around the world. 

I added their Pantone yellow and played around with Shape modes to create an interesting design, I wanted this design to be in the shape of a square, that everyone is in together and this isn't clear from using white as you can't see the clear sides.

I added pink, as it compliments the yellow well, a long with the text 'hands up if you love the skin you're in' in caps to represent confidence, and sans serif to be firm and reassuring.