Thursday, 20 April 2017

SB2 Final Outcome and Evaluation

The most time consuming part of this brief drawing/ editing the illustrations, I wanted them to be detailed and all matching in style so the process took a while however going through it really helped improve my illustrator skills. I used photographs for reference and then designed the botanicals and lemon to the style and positioning that I wanted. Self criticism where the illustrations are concerned: The chamomile flowers could be slightly smaller in relation to the rest. The final lemon illustration came out not as planned when screen printed, although I didn’t want them to be perfect as that isn’t my style however it isn’t the best thing I’ve ever drawn. 

I have also improved my screen printing skills, whilst I was making the prints I thought it was very time consuming and hard to get right, however I soon learnt that it got a lot easier the second time round and the process becomes quite enjoyable. Although it was not my intention for the backgrounds to be slightly more transparent than oblique, I believe it goes well with the style of the illustrations and minimal text therefore I didn’t change the ink/binder amount. 

If I were to do this brief again, I would spend more time on the research section, not looking at commercial branding but rather botanical artists to get a better idea of their style and how they go about drawing - I would also have liked to draw from the real life botanicals and lemon. 

In relation to the initial brief and the rationale, the print is in line with the restrictions - it was printed using only traditional print methods, and uses two colours (lilac and black). The poster celebrates ingredients that are often found in gin and has a saying associated with the spirit. It is also suitable for public viewing and doesn’t contain anything people would find offensive.

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