Monday, 15 May 2017

404 Pantone Booklet Development

  • Layout
I used a grid to compose the booklet, which consists of 2 a3 pages for the content and 1 a4 page for the cover. The a3 pages have a guide across the centre horizontal with 3 vertical to divide the page into 8 separate sections. The purpose of this was to ensure all of the information would fit in the small document with roughly a section each - apart from the topics that need more space such as use of IKB in Graphic Design. The original idea for the layout and order of this booklet was to have an a5 landscape front with the pages inside being folded to fit inside. The final outcome booklet was a slightly different layout than I had first imagined but worked all the same - an a5 front and back cover, with 2 sections per page inside, creating a 4 section spread. Resulting in a 6 page booklet excluding front and back. The pages are glued together and the spine is taped for aesthetic reasons to match the tracing paper overlay - seen below. 

  • Typeface
I decided to use Helvetica as it doesn't distract from the content, it also fits with the minimalist clean look I was going for. As well as it being small in size and available in different weights such as light to fit a a lot of text into a small space. Looking back on the use of the tracing paper if could have been organised better as the large text at the back overlay looks messy and cannot be read through both layers. A more practical overlay could have been some pantone swatches for example. 
  • Images & Colour
The images I chose to get swatches from are photographs I took on a sunny day not far from university, I chose them as I really like the temperature of the image, the sun is shining on the autumn leaves to create vibrant colours, as well as the sky being bright blue I was able to get a whole rainbow of colours from the photo. I also decided on the tree photograph as I would say nature is my favourite thing to photograph, a long with architecture which is also visible in the wall and building behind. The rest of the images I used are sourced from agency's websites and are credited,  a long with examples of Josef Albers work, a photograph of Klein with his colour and Pantone's colour(s) of the year. 
  • Format
I chose landscape as I believe it looks better and reads as a booklet more than an a5 portrait document. The paper I used to print on was a3 slightly off white newsprint style. I chose this as I believe it adds to the design of the booklet, rather than plain white paper it gives a more professional feel. The added tracing paper was to further the quality of the booklet. 

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