Tuesday 23 October 2018

Initial Brief Ideas

We would also like you to prepare for your level 6 studio practice module by considering the sorts of design brief you would like to undertake. You will need to write ten studio briefs that you are planning to undertake during the academic year, a workshop will take place during the that week to provide feedback on the briefs and finalise any further details. These briefs will become part of your level 6 studio practice submission and your portfolio.

We suggest that you include within the ten:
  • A competition brief (D&AD, YCN ISDT etc.) this brief will not need to be written but please research into the “type” of brief these competitions set.
  • A collaborative brief with a person(s) external to the course.
  • A collaborative brief with a person(s) from the course.
  • A live/client brief.
  • A research lead brief, this may be informed by a previous/current CoP question.
As with any brief consider the background, audience, deliverable outcomes and timescales (it would be beneficial to have briefs that range in mandatory requirements and timescales).

In order to write and undertake relevant briefs I have to consider what area of graphic design I am most interested in pursuing as a career. This is essential so that the work I produce can be used as a portfolio for potential clients and employers.

I have really enjoyed competition briefs in the past, the Starpack and Penguin in particular, as well as enjoying them I have been pleased and proud of my outcomes so will definitely do at least one of each. I will also look at the D&AD/ YCN briefs to see if any suit the kind of outcomes I want to produce.

The areas of design I enjoy and produce the best work in are as follows: packaging, layout, UX design, branding and illustration.
  • I will undertake numerous competition briefs
  • A collaborative brief with a photographer external to the course, focusing on layout design
  • A collaborative brief with Hannah Thomas on the course, we have worked well together in the past and compliment each others style
  • A research lead brief, looking into packaging and branding strategies 
  • A live/client brief

The above briefs are the ten I am going to plan for in terms of writing out the full brief, I need to decide which are going to be larger and which small, as well as time scale in terms of when I will dedicate time.

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