Friday 26 October 2018

SB4: Evaluation

I completed this in a day, therefore a very small brief but one I had a lot of fun with. I chose a subject that I am interested and wanted to inform others on, a lot of friends of mine are useless with keeping plants alive and so I thought it would be fun to produce something they could watch and learn from. I chose four of the most popular house plants, and would expand on this if given more than the 60 second time constraint. The video is square in shape, perfect for use on social media platforms such as Instagram, each of the slides have the same typeface to ensure consistency and it works well with the illustration style. The slides are straight to the point, with the majority of information slides being on the screen for 2 seconds - the text must be the bare minimum whilst still being informative. In between each plant care method the slide featuring all 4 plants flashes out to show how far through the 60 second doc you are. Working with Photoshop in order to create a timeline video animation is something I haven't done for years, it was nice to get some use out of Photoshop as I don't often get the chance to use it. It took a good few rounds of experimenting with the timings before it was right and at the correct length. 60 seconds sounds like a long time to fill with illustrations and text however when you get down to it, it really isn't and I think this was a very successful outcome. One thing I would like to experiment further with would be animation using After Effects, this is something I can aim to incorporate into another brief.

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