Thursday 25 October 2018

SB4: 60 Second Documentary

Produce 60 sec documentary on any subject of your choice. Consider how the doc would be viewed on social media, formats, how type and image interact - viewing with and without sound. Think about usefulness of information, how and what you can communicate within 60 secs.

Deadline: Friday 11th Jan

Initial Ideas:

The documentary should be about something I am interested in and want to educate others on. With this in mind my initial ideas for topics are: caring for house plants, Spotify playlists, exercise, becoming a vegetarian. 

I decided on caring for house plants, as I thought I could create some illustrations that would be in line with my personal style of design.

Illustrations developed:

I used Adobe Illustrator to develop theses illustrations, with the plants in my room as reference. 

Aloe Vera


Monstera Deliciosa  

Snake Plant

Information gathered from research carried out:

Aloe vera
Step 1: use a plant pot with a drainage hole
Step 2: place in bright, indirect sunlight or artificial light 
Step 3: water every 3 weeks, more sparingly during the winter
Step 4: repot when root bound

Step 1: use a plant pot with a drainage hole
Step 2: place in bright sunlight such as a south- or east-facing window
Step 3: rotate the pot monthly
Step 4: water every couple of weeks when the soil has dried out

Snake plant
Step 1: use a plant pot with a drainage hole
Step 2: place plant in a warm spot with temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius 
Step 3: let the soil dry between waterings
Step 4: wipe leave with a damp cloth as needed to remove dust

Monstera deliciosa 
Step 1: use a plant pot with a drainage hole
Step 2: place in an area with high humidity and indirect light
Step 3: water weekly, reduce in winter to prevent water logging

I used Illustrator to produce each separate slide that includes the illustrations and the text information. After finishing all of the slides I imported them into Photoshop and created a frame animation. As the video/ animation is only 60 seconds I thought I would keep it simple in terms of the illustrations to enable as much information to be included as possible. The result is below:

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