Saturday 3 November 2018

SB1: Micro-genre

I am giving myself around 1 week to work on this brief, however this will be alongside other briefs so I am only considering it a small brief as the deliverable is just a single poster.

I am going to start by looking at sub-genres that fall under the dance/electronic umbrella, I thought this best as the final outcomes will be posters promoting dance events in clubs. I approached the brief last year a lot more open with where it could lead, however with this I want to decide what the finished product will be before I start research so I can focus in more on relevant research.

Brief: The task is to thoroughly research a micro-genre of music. This research should be extensive, with the intention that you become an expert in the genre. This micro-genre will become the focus for the design and production of a new piece of work.

Design a  poster that will promote a night for the chosen genre and use their specific aesthetic and audience demographic. How will the poster promote the product that is the genre.

Background/Considerations: How does the design appeal to the target audience (people who listen to the genre).

Mandatory Requirements: Blog the process, print the poster, and design boards.

Deliverables: Poster design

Studio Deadline: 5th February

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