Friday 9 November 2018

SB1: Evaluation

This brief was a quick creative challenge, I intended for it to be completed start to finish in a matter of days whilst also working on other briefs and I managed to stick to that. Although it was research based to begin with, it wasn't so much about the context of design at the time, but more about basing a response purely on visual research. After finishing the design, I showed it to a few of my peers, as well as friends, along with the posters I used for research, and they struggled to tell which were the authentic. I see this as a success, as the brief was to design a poster to pay homage to the style of the 90s. My usual way of working involves a lot of research and I usually get stuck on that for quite a while before getting into the actual designs, this brief allowed me to come out of my comfort zone and start designing on the first day. I don't have much experience with designing posters up to now, and really enjoyed working with layout and the confides of a4/a3 paper dimensions. The fact you only have one side and the set dimensions up and down mean you really have to think about text hierarchy, and what information you want the viewers eye to go to first. Another area I really pushed myself in was the use of different typefaces, I usually play it quite safe with my choices. However this brief allowed me to play around with fun typefaces, as well as grouping very different types together and seeing what works, and what doesn't. If I had more time, and could focus on this as more than a quick/ small brief I would've liked to create a series of posters - and even get them printed out and display them in context. The reason I didn't do this was that I have to prioritise other briefs and styles of work that are more relevant to my practise, I saw this as a brief an exercise to get out of my comfort zone, and to compliment other bigger briefs.

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