Friday 29 September 2017

SB1 Study Task 02 - Brief Handover

Rebecca Moorcroft

Brief title / working title
A Month in Asia

Short description of publication (purpose)
A Photobook that showcases the culture of Bali, Hong Kong and Bangkok through photographs and information.

Target reader / audience (include reasons)
There will be a few different kinds of readers of this book as it could be classed under ‘travel’ , ‘culture/history’ or ‘photography.
One target reader would be a young person thinking of going travelling around the world or going on a gap year, wondering what these places look like. Another person who may be interested is a Photographer interested in the capturing culture, as well as those interested in film photography. Another target audience is the owner of coffee shops and places of the like who have beautiful books with interesting content available for their customers.

Travel/ Culture/ History/ Photography (A coffee table book)

Competition (3 titles)
Michael Wolf - Hong Kong Trilogy
John Burdett - Bangkok Panorama
Mihaela Noroc - The Atlas of Beauty: Women of the World in 500 Portraits

Positioning (USP, bookshop section, other points of sale)
The photographs were taken in the 90s when it wasn’t as popular to travel beyond Europe for holidays, nowadays a lot of people travel to Thailand etc on gap years or for a few weeks as it is more affordable and has been

Price point
£14.99 - £19.99

Mandatory requirements
Include information about the places visited, including the language, religion and culture. Incorporate some of the language for titles etc

Have the photographs be the main thing on the page, at high quality and in a minimal arrangement.

No more than 3/4 photographs per spread.

Preferably hard back and around a4 in size.

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