Saturday 7 January 2017

405 Wayfinding research

I decided to look at artist Vincent Deboer who creates a lot of work using ink and various tools including paint brushes and pens. All of the work on his website shows below what it was created with which I really like, transparency with his work and he also includes videos showing the work being made. 

I find it really interesting how he creates such detailed art using such large brushes, all down to how he holds the brush and sweeps it around carefully, no quick thoughtless movements. The technique is all about precision, however the end product looks like something without thought - very free flowing and organic. 

A lot of his work is creating typographic shapes however I am going to take influence and create shapes useful for pictograms and such. I also need to think about what shape I am going to use for the pictograms overall; I will be using mostly simple lines for the drawings to represent the places however each will be placed in a shape for consistency.


Triangles are known for representing action and aggression as well as often being used to give a warning and draw peoples attention such as in road signs for a hazard up ahead. They can also be used as a symbol for law, science and religion - which could be useful for any attractions under those topics however with the hazard meaning in mind that most people will be very familiar with I don't think this would be the most appropriate shape to utilise.

Squares and rectangles

The sharp corners and edges of these shapes make people think of order, maths and rationality aswell as formality - whilst these qualities are needed for a way finding system so that people see order and believe they should follow them; I don't want that kind of rigid look to the system as it should be more quirky and free looking, something that is fun and packed full of excitement. They are also generally not attention grabbing so therefore I don't think they'd be right for my design needs.


Circles are fundamentally known for representing something that has no beginning or end which could be seen as relevant to what I am creating, although the city would only be named European Capital of Culture for a year it would be hoped that the benefits of this would last for the foreseeable future. Circles also suggest community which is one of the main aims when a city gains the title, to bring everyone together in organising events and showing off where they are from, or currently live. I have discovered they are less common in design than other shapes so believe this will draw attention and make people notice the pictograms more.

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