Sunday 3 February 2019

SB5: CK Web Design Wireframes

Contact page will include a form, a client or collaborator can leave their name, email address and message. This will be submitted and sent to Catherine's email, in which she can get in touch with them from. This stops her email being public knowledge and getting spammed by time wasters. 

Home page will feature a few of Catherine's favourite shots, with little descriptions. This will be updated as Catherine produces more and more work, so that she is constantly showing off her best work, as soon as someone enters the site. The page features Catherine's logo at the top, with social media links to the top right. To get to the individual pages you can navigate with the buttons underneath her logo, each page is listed. 

An example of one of the pages; fashion, editorial and personal projects pages will hold the same format and design to encourage consistency. The pages will feature numerous photographs relevant to the page title in columns and rows - the page won't feature any information as the photos at this stage should speak for themselves.

To get more information about the photographs, such as who the model is, what the photograph was for, what is represents, where it was taken and what date for example. You can click and it will take you to a separate page that gives you that information and the photograph bigger. 

The about page will feature a short paragraph about Catherine, what her interests are and a little about her education and experience. The page will also feature a small profile of Catherine herself.

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