Saturday 2 February 2019

SB5: CK Business Cards

Above is some experimentation with the logo that Catherine liked the best out of the selection I designed for her, I wanted to see what colour combinations worked best together in order to decide what should be used for the business card designs. I spoke to Catherine and she said she liked the pink and blue/lilac tones the best and suggested I try a purple-pink shade.


I decided to create a smaller icon logo for the business cards, a 'ck' initial in a circle to go above the Catherine Kelly logo type, I felt that the name on its own would look a bit boring and the icon logo makes the business card come together.

I used a sans serif typeface for the information on the other side of the business card, to contrast the logo and differentiate. The information included is a description of what Catherine specialises in, her mobile phone number as well as her email address. They are simple but straight to the point and Catherine is very happy with this design. 

Above is a mock up of how the business cards can look.

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