Saturday 2 February 2019

SB5: CK Business Cards Production

Catherine asked me to help her get the business cards printed, we looked at some of the premium services however they were too costly for her budget. Using the digital print facilities at university also weren't an option in terms of timing. We had a look at a few different companies and checked reviews to make sure they were good quality. 

We finally decided to use a company but when it came to uploading the image it appeared to be too large, there wasn't a scale down option. Even more annoying is the size given on the website for business cards was what I had done already - it was previously a different size but I changed it in anticipation. After a lot of messing around we finally got it right and ordered them, this took a lot longer than anticipated and disrupted other work that I was planning to do that day. 

 Below is the finished physical print out business cards, as well as some post cards that Catherine used the same design on.

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