Friday 1 February 2019

SB5: Meeting 01

I asked Catherine to send me some websites that she liked the layouts of, and what kind of colours she would like to be used.

  • basically want it simple
  • cute font
  • nothing bold
  • pastel colours
I then asked what pages the website would have to include:
  • home
  • about
  • contact
  • personal projects
  • fashion
  • editorials
  • social media
For the logo I asked Catherine what she wants it to actually contain, she said any of these would be acceptable, so I will experiment with all of them:
  • CK
  • Catherine Kelly
  • Catherine Kelly Photography
  • CK Photography
  • C Kelly Photography
When I have drafted a few initial ideas for the logo, I am going to send them to her email address at: I am going to hold starting business cards and web design until I have done the logo, so I know what I am working with, as well as waiting for Catherine to have some work to include. 

Catherine sent over some examples of logos that she likes the style of:

"I like a girly font, with pastel pink n maybe another colour"

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