Wednesday 6 February 2019

SB8: Conscious Creatives Exhibition


Conscious Creatives is the LAU Sustainability Society, working to make our University more environmentally and socially conscious. Grow Wild UK is the national outreach initiative of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Through Grow Wild, Kew is inspiring millions of people to grow as a group, get active, learn about and engage with nature, and give back through volunteering.


We are looking for creative work that celebrates wildflowers and fungi! LAU Conscious Creatives society are working with Grow Wild UK to curate an exhibition to celebrate wildflowers and fungi. Sustainability is the focus, whether that be through the content of the work or the materials/methods used to make it. 


We are accepting 2D, 3D and moving image. Please include the following to submit your work:
1. A short proposal explaining how your work relates to the theme of ​wildflowers or fungi​ as well as focusing on ​sustainability​ (250 words max)
2. Images of the piece you intend to submit, 300 dpi JPEG, PNG, PDF any size

Submission deadline: 20th February, 2019.

The Conscious Creatives society was born out of a lack of responsible and sustainable activity from students at Leeds Arts University.

We aim to educate, promote and celebrate sustainable and social responsibility throughout the University. We hope to achieve this through bringing students together through workshops such as informARTive as well as action days and collaborative projects. Look out for more information on this society soon!

facebook @consciouscreatives

instagram @conscious_creatives

twitter @LAUConscious

If you're interested in joining the Conscious Creatives society please contact:

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