Sunday 23 October 2016

Studio Brief 01 - Logotype (Final Crit)

Today we had our final Crit for studio brief 01 - Logotype, just to bring it back full circle this was the brief we got:

Produce a series of logotypes for a rebrand of your given company.

The given company name being 'Moonless':
"Being without a moon or moonlight"

Using only type, experiment with scale, stroke, spacing, contrast and alignment to interpret your company. You should consider the following:

Who is the company?

A coffee/tea house or cafe

What do they do?

Sell really good quality mid range hot drinks

Who is the target audience?

Students/young professionals on the go

Where will the logo appear?

Coffee cups, food bags, signage and receipts etc

I went into the final crit with my ideas and reasons for having them, given on the previous blog post - development. My initial proposal was ' My target audience is young professionals and students on the go - looking for a cheap alternative to a chain coffee house, and friends and family coming together for a catch up and bite to eat and drink.' However I changed this slightly and in the end was aiming it towards just people on the go rather than somewhere cosy for a catchup - talking about this now I realise that is more of a coffee house chain vibe as an independent shop is usually warm and welcoming to people sitting in for hours.

Initial feedback was that it wouldn't look out of place with competitors and you could imagine it on the high street which is exactly what I was going for, it has to look in place and be inviting, not some random signage that doesn't look professional.

People said that it maybe looked a little too fast food ish / like a corporate chain which I completely understood, this was in response to this design:

Which I think has something to do with the fact I used a circle in the logo, just like Starbucks and Costa Coffee. So I took this on board and as I said earlier I probably should have changed my aim to it being a chain coffee shop to rival previously mentioned Starbucks and Costa Coffee.

My peers and tutor commented on this option how they liked the simplicity of the M and the O's how I used the simple letter form manipulated to create something completely different.

Some really liked the use of the M as an L, linking the word together even though it is on two different levels, the simple elongation of the M gives the logotype an interesting aspect.

It was also said that these options looked a lot less corporate than those that include a circle or just use the M.

All of this feedback was very informative and will help me in the future, we have been told to draw a line underneath this project now and focus on the next one introduced to us so I will communicate what more I would have done in the following evaluation.

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