Thursday 12 October 2017

SB1 Development 01 - Illustrations

Illustrations of A-Z

I started off by tracing the shape of the letter A with small squares of different colour ways in the same shade (pink) the first one i produced was very rough and took a while but allowed me to realise they need to be neater and more uniform.

As you can see above after the first A i used the same block of squares but changed the colours for each letter tracing the letters underneath in a more neat manner. I also utilised the ruler tool to make sure all edges were straight and even. The first few letters went through around 3 drafts before I got the hand of it and made them all look a lot more uniform. 

See above the alphabet up to H when the colour pattern starts to repeat itself again, i used the colours found in the sign however not in the same order as it has been known to change some years and i want this guide to be relevant whenever. The only colours not featured are lilac, dark green and the different shades of blue as I had already varied the colour ways too much for there to be much difference.

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