Tuesday 3 October 2017

SB1 Glastonbury Concept

As the brief given doesn't specify how the Glastonbury book should be organised, in terms of sections and what information is put out I have come up with a few ideas:
  1. A general guide to the festival that would be given out once in the festival or available to preorder to read before the festival. The guide would include information and fun facts about the different areas, stages, food venues and other tips such as where toilets are and what not to miss out on (watching the sunrise from Stone Circle). 
  2. A book about the journey Glastonbury takes you on - from the coach ride at midnight to walking back from Shangri-La to your tent at 6am to packing away on Monday morning, even to the Glasto blues you get when home (they are a real thing). The guide would include what is good to do on each day and how to pace yourself. 
  3. I struggled to find a concept behind this third idea - A-Z guide for Glastonbury 'Glastobet', however I finally settled on it being based on A-Z books that are aimed towards children to teach them the alphabet as well as new words. A big thing with Glastonbury is how everyone who has been explains it as a festival like no other, and while a lot are envious and want to go there are also a lot of people who dismiss this and don't understand. With this in mind the A-Z guide would talk through all the amazing things at Glastonbury to convince and reenforce to those who haven't been how good it is. 
The problem with idea 1 is that Glastonbury already give you a lot of information on the website, as well as giving everyone a lanyard with set times and a programme full of facts and fun when you arrive on site. The problem with idea 2 is that everyone's journey of Glastonbury is different, there is that much going on you can't possibly see it all and everyone single person has a different experience. Therefore the journey told would only be relevant to a certain type of person. The third idea is the strongest idea, it also gives context to a layout design and style and therefore I am going with it. 

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