Monday 20 November 2017

SB1 Evaluation

Overall the outcome for this brief was successful however I believe it could have been better and if I did it again there would be a few changes. One of the main things I would change is the stock of paper it was printed on, 120gsm was too thick for the amount of pages the document had, I would also reconsider the stitch used as again it wasn't most suitable for the size of the booklet, a perfect bind would have been better suited as a bunch of smaller sections however this would have to be achieved by using different options in print booklet. All of the issues I had with this brief came with production, I enjoyed designing the booklet in InDesign and editing the photographs as well as the patch work letters, I struggle a lot more when it comes to working out bleed and creep, the creep didn't work as planned with the photographs in the middle being full bleed when the document was cut and the start and end having some white space as you can see in the photos above. I could have produced a better booklet perhaps by doing a few test runs and more mockups however time wise this wasn't possible as I had to collect the photographs and content as what I was handed over wasn't near enough high quality for print and no information was included, as well as this cost limitations prevented me from printing more than once. I learnt a lot from this brief as it was more what will happen in the working world, you are given a brief and client with contents and have to do the best you can with it by adding your own take and creative ideas. There is a strong concept - an a-z guide to the festival however with this comes limitations, there wasn't much room for experimentation or really out there design as it had to be easy to read and straight to the point in showcasing the festival. 

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