Friday 17 November 2017

SB2 Final Designs Critique

The page designs have changed quite significantly since the last development blog, I tried out using a white background and believe it looks a lot more professional and more of an app that has different sections rather than just something a garden centre has made. I have changed the design style as I think it is now more appealing for younger people as it feels more of a social media app. The previous design did the job in terms of ux design and containing everything it needed so therefore I could build on the visual design side. 

I got some feedback from my peers:
  • Not sure how the green text will look on the pink circles on an actual screen, may be better changing it to white - I did try this however it blended in with the symbols too much not showing the difference between the name of the plant and the care it needed, I also checked what the green looks like on my phone and it is very legible.
  • Another concern about how it would look on screen is the text point size on the plant profile for the general and care information however when i downloaded this onto my phone it was very clear and readable.
  • A suggestion was to use a lighter shade of green for the location tag on the social photos - this was a good idea as it differentiates the information and creates a hierarchy.
  • I am going to change the menu bar again as the current one is too large when put onto actual screen the actual icons only have to be small as that is what we are used to with the phones we have these days. 
I am happy with the feedback I got as it was all concerning small details and nothing fundamental was discovered to be wrong with the app, with this in mind I am going to make a final few changes and start to prototype on XD to show the navigation throughout the app. 

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