Monday 20 November 2017

SB2 Evaluation

I enjoyed this project a lot more than design for print as I feel it is more the kind of work I would like to do in the future, I also think it is because I feel more comfortable whereas the idea of printing and having all of those considerations worries me. I am happy with the end result and believe the app contains all of the pages needed to function and fulfil the goals - ‘find, look after and show off your plants' by including different sections - my plants, search/scan, social and schedule. The log in is essential so that users can have a social profile, as well as being able to log in across other devices and even be able to share an account if you are looking after the same plants. The colour scheme works well and suits the photographs I chose to display for search results and my plants. It was mentioned in the final crit about perhaps changing the social section to include circles too however when this was tried it looked unprofessional and unfamiliar so I thought it was best to keep it square style - similar to instagram and depop. One page I would add to improve the app would be an option to scan from the main log in options page, if you weren't currently logged in but wanted to quickly snap something and don't have time to log in this would be useful. Along with adding an option to the scan page to add from camera roll, for those photographs you already have and want to be identified. I believe overall the app has a consistent style throughout with only differences being between the my plants/schedule and social however this works to an advantage to differentiate sections. Adobe xd was a really useful piece of software for this brief, it allowed me to go from basic wire frames, to importing photos and illustrator vectors for final designs and then finally adding navigation between pages for prototype which really brought the app to life.

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