Saturday 4 November 2017

SB2 Target Audience/ Persona's

The purpose of the app is to help people identify and take care of their plants, as well as showcasing their achievements to the community allowing the discovery of new plants and people to connect with. The goal is to get more people interested in keeping house plants and knowing how to do so, as well as to get more people talking and engaging with each other.

What are a person’s goals on my app?
To discover new plants and flowers
To better look after their own plants

What are a person’s motivations for using it?
To be alerted when a plant needs attention i.e. watering or cutting down
To connect with other plant lovers

A quote to capture the general attitude towards the app

‘find, look after and show off your plants’

Persona 1
Aged 18-30
Female/ Male
University level educated
In full time work/education with responsibilities
They will come to the app to discover new plants and look after their own - as well as connect with others
They will likely use this app on their iPhone which they have on them all the time, able to check the schedule or easily get out when passing by a plant to identify
They use iOS regularly and are familiar with the layout for buttons and pt size for the font

Persona 2
Aged 30-45
Stay at home parent
Busy schedule with parents and house work
Will more likely use the app for the schedule and scan rather than the social aspect
Could use on house iPad
Aren’t as familiar with technology

Other apps they may like?
Instagram - social aspect
Depop - searching

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