Friday 3 November 2017

SB2 Study Task 01 - Apps

This app is available on both Apple and Android phones for free on the app store and google play store. There are a few different features to the app as you can see in figure 1:

  1. 'plant' allows you to ID a plant with a photograph
  2. 'pest/disease' allows you to id a pest or disease with a photograph which is a good idea for the upkeep and care of your plants 
  3. 'add to my garden' allows you to add a plant to your personal section by searching however when you use this option it takes a while to load and the list is bulky and inconsistent with information (see figure 3 the list loading and then figure 4)
  4. 'smartplant' allows u to scan the barcode of a plant to get information however it has to be a smartplant barcode - their partners are The Telegraph, Longacres, Minnikin, Orchard, The Palace Gardener and Burncoose Nurseries. 

figure 1
figure 2
The log in options include using your email, logging in with Facebook or Twitter for a faster profile set up which is convenient.
figure 3

figure 4

figure 5

figure 6
Once you have searched for the plant you would like to add to my garden, you can either take your own photograph or use one from the library which is a nice feature that allows a personal touch. (figure 5). Figure 6 is the photo that comes from the library and then below figure 7 and 8 show the my garden space which will show all of the plants you have added along with a care guide and helpful tips.

figure 7

figure 8
An app that is slightly different in that you make an account and offer others help to identify plants, there is a social feed in which a photo is posted with any other relevant info.

figure 9 
The idea of this app is good as it has a sense of community and is full of people interested in plants and wanting to know more, more of a social app compared to the first named and the websites I have researched. I would like to have that kind of community feel to my app with the social section.

figure 10

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