Thursday 2 November 2017

SB2 Study Task 01 - Websites

In order to create a successfully designed app I am going to look at websites and apps that offer similar services and sections to the ideas that I have. Through looking at what works well within these preexisting interfaces as well as what doesn't work or what is missing I can create an app that is both user friendly and designed well.

Shoot Gardening Website

With this website you enter plant name, type and then add different attributes you can see. The list of type (see figure 1) is extensive which will aide the search by helping it be more specific rather than the whole catalogue of plants. You then have the option to select flower colour, season and shape however I noticed that this list doesn't differ for the type you selected which doesn't make sense as you obviously can't get blue ferns (see figures 2 and 3).

figure 1
figure 2 
figure 3
Botanical Flora Search

The second website I have found is run by the Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland. Upon clicking 'Identify a plant' you are given a questionnaire with a series of questions (see figures 4, 5, 6 and 7). From first looking at this page my initial reaction is that it is bland and possibly has more text than it needs, however upon reading through it is just helpful information that will aide your answers if you are unfamiliar with terminology. Aside from the fact the design isn't the best the actual questions are  informed and work in order.  

figure 4

figure 5

figure 6

figure 7
After considering this website I want my app to be a lot simpler, the main feature is the fact you can scan and search plants however it is also to keep track of your own plants and other peoples, therefore the search and find feature cannot be this complicated as apps will only be successful if they're simple and easy to use. 
figure 8
figure 9
Something I can take from the website that works well is the information page seen in figure 9, after searching you get a list of results (figure 8) then from here you can click through and see what one is a match. The information page for the plant/flower is very informative including the name, family and common name as well as listing habitats, description, flowering time etc as well as a few photographs.

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