Monday 6 November 2017

SB2 Study Task 01 - Wireframing

A wireframe is a visual representation of a user interface, stripped of any visual design or branding elements. It is used by UX Designers to define the hierarchy of items on a screen and communicate what the items on that page should be based on user needs.

I produced some wireframes for my app idea on paper as a starting point. Going through this process helps you understand how many actual pages will need to be designed, as well as starting to consider how they will all link together and work as an interface.

figure 1
The wireframes in figure 1 show the page you land on when clicking on the app, a log in or register page and the home page that shows all the features of the app. 

figure 2
Figure 2 shows the pages used to identify plants/flowers 'scan' and 'search' along with the list of results and the plant profile.
figure 3
The plant profile continues in figure 3 showing general info, related plants and the option to add it to your garden. The 'my plants' section will be a schedule of care for the plants you have added such as when they need watering or spraying, as well as a simple list of everything you have added. 

figure 4
Figure 4 shows the 'social' pages that will be a feature of the app, through Facebook intergration you will also be able to see what friends are on the app. The social section will allow you to follow other users and florists etc as well as exploring plants that have been tagged. 

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