Monday 23 April 2018

505 - SB1 - Evaulation

Overall i am pleased with the outcome for this project, disco is a genre that is very much back in style with a lot of djs playing the old school anthems and young people enjoying it, this said a lot of people don't know its origins and what the era itself involved, this is why the instruction manual is an ideal piece to create for exhibition. The design of the booklet is 70s inspired using colour palettes popular in the time as well as typefaces that were used a lot in artwork and other graphic design around the time. The information included is all relevant and the manual is a quick read which will give the viewer a lot of insight into the trends of the times, the popular artists and the facts about the demise. There were a few things that didn't go to plan with this project such as production, the stock could have been a smaller gsm if i were to reproduce, and i would look into coloured stock options however the fact it is just white is relevant to the instruction manual aesthetic, these are usually cheap and mass produced. This brief has further allowed me to experiment with layout design, which I am interested in. The final product is suitable for public viewing and catches the eye with a bright cover design. 

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