Monday 23 April 2018

505 - Module Evaluation

I struggled with this brief from the start as I couldn't get into it and think of any ideas I wanted to go forward with, in the end I feel as though I settled with both briefs and could have produced better work but with the time frame being so close to the last submission and the next one it was difficult to really focus and put my all into it. I think one of the reasons I didn't enjoy this module as much as the previous is the areas of graphic design I ended up working in, I did enjoy the ux design involved in app making however since I have not long ago designed an app I should have explored another area such as illustration or advertising. This module has taught me that I need to explore more options before settling on idea, for both I didn't have many initial ideas including sketches and experimentation/exploration, the result of this is two briefs that could be a lot better. I also need to work on my time management and push through with work that I am not enjoying the most, just in comparison to 503. I have however learnt that research is a very essential part of the design process that must not be overlooked, becoming an expert in the area you are producing for makes design decisions a lot easier I have also learnt to keep my blog up to date when I produce work or do any research as this makes the design boards a lot easier - I know what I was thinking and why I made decisions at the time rather than having to try and think back. I didn't engage with many critiques during this module and feel as though this has damaged my work and ability to take a step back from the screen.

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