Monday 23 April 2018

505 - SB2 - Evaluation

This brief from start to finish was very research based, in order to come up with an idea I had to carry out a lot of research into the topic of endangered species as well as into the branding and organisation values of the forefronts in the area such as WWF. It took me a while to get started with this brief as I had a creative block, which is a real set back, if given more time I would produce some collateral for the promotion of the app such as billboard designs or newspaper adverts. Basing the app design from a brand guidelines document online allowed me to create an app that suits WWF and basically gives you an optimised version of the website, it is not supposed to replace the existing WWF app as this is more of an interactive journey experience, with my version being to educate, giving the facts plain and simple with the added feature of being able to adopt/join/donate right on the app. Creating initial wireframes before designing the style of the app is essential in order to create a hierarchy for the information, what is most important and what needs to stand out on the page. Using Adobe XD was straight forward and the live preview feature is extremely helpful when experimenting with layout and type size because on computer screen the design could work well however on mobile dimensions not so well. The app features examples of all the sections as it would have taken a lot more time to include all of the information that is available on the website. The menu bar features a home option as well as submenu which is useful for navigation as this was one of the key issues I found with the original app and set out to make mine easy to navigate. Overall this brief has been successful as I have created something that will educate people on the issue and prompts them to get involved.

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