Wednesday 18 April 2018

505 - SB2 - Initial Ideas

After looking at several websites and apps that organisations associated with animal rights and conservation I have a few ideas on how to devise and develop a body of practical work that both distils your knowledge of an identified issue and demonstrates my ability to tap into the market potential for socially, politically and ethically-driven design.
  • redesign the WWF app
  • create a new app with sections including conservation, animal cruelty, animal testing and vegetarian/vegan
Issues with the current WWF app:
  • not very straight forward
  • no obvious home/menu/back buttons
  • no option to donate
  • app goes from portrait to landscape
The WWF app I design will not be to replace this interactive story telling experience but to be more of an app for the website, including some of the sections and options to donate etc. Pages needed:
  • wildlife - a selection 
  • where we work - selection of places
  • what we do - selection of areas
  • who we are - about us - our six big wins
  • earth hour
  • get involved - adopt/donate/join - option for each
  • home
Design -

The main aim of this app is to work as an app version of the website, providing all essential information whilst being easy to navigate and read for anyone who has access to a phone. With this in mind the design does not have to that stylish and is more function over form, as well as keeping with the brand guidelines. 

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