Friday 18 November 2016

Jo Blaker Talk

Today we had Jo Blaker visit us and discuss her thought processes and how she conducts her studio practice through her sketchbooks. She offered many different shapes and sized sketchbooks with different types of paper in on each table full of her work for us to look at. All of the sketchbooks were from different times in her life and she spoke about how looking back on each one really enables her to feel what she felt back then and where she was when she did them. She spoke about how when she was studying at degree level the main use of her sketchbook ended up being for the sake of having a sketchbook and to show her process rather than actually exploring ideas and her self; what she wanted to do. Jo was forced to do digital work and they tried to shake her of her ways but she came in to let us know it is okay to do more work outside of the digital, and that we should use our sketchbooks to record anything and everything, carry one with us aswell as documenting things we find interesting with photography.

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