Saturday 19 January 2019

SB2: Finished Draft 01 - Meeting

I met with Hannah to discuss the finished draft I produced and get her feedback on the design and whether anything else needed to be added. Hannah gave me the introduction she had written to add to that page, and said that she would add the icons she has designed to the pages if I send it over. Hannah will also check the document for any spelling errors I haven't noticed after a spell check, as well as ensuring all of the photographs are to full bleed and no content will be left off. During the meeting I added page numbers to each page and updated the contents page, we also discussed adding the map and pinpointing each of the Independents, initially talking about a double page spread map of Leeds, before realising it would be difficult to include all the places as Headingley - city centre is quite a distance. Hannah is going to produce a map of city centre and also Hyde Park/ Headingley for the double page spread. We are also going to add a 'student discount' icon to let users know which of the businesses give student discounts, as well as adding some vouchers at the end to encourage people to pick up a copy - we will also add this to the front page so people are aware. Another change that was done during the meeting was changing the background of the introduction page, the copy wasn't very legible with the existing pattern, we tried a white background behind the text but it didn't look great, a simple switch with the front cover was a success. Below is the publication as it as when I hand it over to Hannah. We have a print slot booked and have decided on using white paper for the publication, printing the backgrounds and photographs onto Olin Regular 90gsm for the inside, whilst using a thicker Matte 245gsm for the cover.

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