Friday 11 January 2019

SB2: Independent Leeds Brief

Brief: The task is to design and produce a publication that showcases the independents of Leeds.

Background/Considerations: How does the design appeal to the target audience, what information needs to be included, how does it stand out to other similar publications. The independents in Leeds, such as shops, bars, restaurants, cinemas and other entertainment venues. The aim is to promote independent and unique businesses to encourage people to spend and explore there rather than chains.

Mandatory Requirements: Blog the process and produce design boards.

Deliverables: A printed publication (a5) with at least 20 pages. Web page design prototype. Membership card design.

I was originally going to carry out this brief on my own, however have decided to invite Hannah Thomas to collaborate with me, we have worked on a design for print publication before and so with this decision I have decided to extend the deadline to allow time for meetings and collaborating on designs.

Studio deadline - 26th January

This will be an in-course collaboration with Hannah Thomas. Hannah and I have successfully worked together on a collaborative publication brief last year, which means we are confident that we can produce a high quality outcome. My practice is based more on web design and working digitally with layout, where as Hannah prefers the more practical side of producing the publication. We will split the split the research in half and delegate individual roles and tasks during our meetings/progress reviews. 

-Half information about locations
-Becca - layout
- Hannah - production and illustrate leeds icon- same icon frame but different icon image depending on whether its culture/food etc

Book will contain:
A5 book- handheld but not too small
Key info (address, contact, opening hours)
Brief overview

Blue and yellow (Leeds colours)

Sections of the book:
Food and coffee
bars and clubs
entertainment and lifestyle

Book content:
Intro to the book- short piece of encouraging writing
Individual contents pages
Entertainment and lifestyle

edgy students/ everyone/ 18-55
contemporary/ easy to understand/ bold but not too over shining of the locations
not kids or elderly

Tone of voice:
informative/fun/not too formal/functional/ quirky/ trustworthy/ reliable

Information gathering:
opening hours
website/phone number
brief description of business

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