Sunday 20 January 2019

SB2: Hannah's Production Initial Ideas

Based on the research that I've conducted on how how production can be used to communicate the intention of my design, I want to generate some initial ideas on what could be done for the publication. Once I've generated some Ideas I will meet back up with Rebecca to discuss our ideas, to see how they inform each other and the next stage in the design process.

I did a quick mind map of some of the things I want to communicate through the production and suggestions of potential ways to do this. The following and some of my favourite, a long with other design considerations I need to consider:
  • Needs to be easily produced as it would essentially be produced in large numbers. This means the publication shouldn't use a stitched bind as it's too slow and intricate; instead it should use a PVA glued bind with a soft back cover (hardback too expensive for a guide).
  • Informative- The guide needs a map and it could be fun to make this more interactive in some way. Maybe there could be stickers to mark the locations you have visited, or maybe the map could fold out of the publication.
  • Price- The guide should be fairly cheap to make as it would be free with the purchase of the Independent card, or sold for a small price. If it was expensive it would deter people from buying as they can just use Google. To overcome this, the publication should be economical.
  • Stock choice- in line with the need to be fairly cheap to produce I'll try and print onto a matt stock instead of gloss. I'll speak to Rebecca about this because if we are using photographic images then we might need to use glossy stock on the inside (or maybe a mix of matt/gloss).
  • Convenient- The book need to be easy to navigate so there should be a way to easily find a location that you are looking for, like a bookmark. This could be done with a physical bookmark, or a tongue to the book, or a built in corner fold option.
  • Half Pages- The design could be made more interesting by having half pages (see example on research blog). This could be a good way to incorporate discounts that people can rip out of the book (incentive to use over using the Internet). 

It's important to not that although flourishes in the production design are nice, I can’t get carried away with them as the publication isn't intended to be a high quality book and is instead supposed to be mass produced and easily accessible/available. Consideration of the audience and the context of the design is more important than making git as innovative as possible. This should be considered in terms of stock choice as well- not too expensive.

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