Thursday 24 January 2019

SB2: Production 01

Production was Hannah's side of the brief however I tried to be there when she was printing and binding incase she needed any help. We encountered issues with printing right from the start, when we went down to digital print resource for the booked slot, Adobe TypeKit wouldn't sync after multiple tries. This meant that the typefaces we had used weren't available as they don't come standard on the machines used in print. We were able to solve this by going back to the original document and outlining each bit of copy - which took its time and eventually we were able to print however it wouldn't be ready until the next day. This was the first issue we overcame, the next day we went to collect the prints and discovered they hadn't printed in order and pages that were supposed to be opposite each-other were on the back of each other. The front cover was also on it's own rather than with the back cover in a different stock. This happened a few more times until it was finally printed correctly, almost a week after we originally tried. The fault lies with the printer and how it was setup, but these are things that will happen in industry and I was glad we had left time to spare incase of these situations. We used a thicker stock for the front cover, with a standard matte for the inside contents - to make sure it wasn't too bulky to bind. The bind chosen was perfect bind, gluing the edge of the pages using a machine, leaving it over night and then binding with the cover.

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