Tuesday 22 January 2019

SB2: Website Wireframes

I am going to design an website for the Independents, it will be simplistic in style as most the info will be in the publication, but somewhere for users of the book to find if they search it online is vital. The website will only feature the Leeds independents so far, but would in the future feature other cities that Independent chose to feature in their publications. 

  • the landing page will simply feature the logo, with an 'enter site' button
  • the home page will then feature the logo with an about us page option, as well as a cities featured page
  • the about us will feature a small paragraph on the business

  • The Leeds page will feature an image of the publication, the volume number and then a button to 'discover more' 
  • the discover more page will take you to Leeds featured, I will select a few of the businesses we featured in the publication to be on this page
  • If you click on one of them it will take you to their profile, containing an image and the info included in the book. The website design will not feature every single thing included in the book as there is no need, this is a prototype and the point is shown with just a few examples.

Above is the first set of wireframes created in Adobe XD, they show roughly what the different pages will look like, they need improvements such as moving the logo over, as it takes up too much space on the pages. I am also going to add a contact page and change the colour scheme.

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