Tuesday 16 May 2017

SB3 Initial Ideas 02

Below are some of the initial ideas for the identity of the brand, we decided on IMPRNT before having a critique, in which we later chose and developed on another name.

Screen Shot 2017-03-20 at 15.30.29.png Screen Shot 2017-03-20 at 15.30.54.png


After a critique it was brought to our attention that the word 'inprint' sounding a lot like imprint had bad connotations in Leeds, for fast and not of good quality printing. We wanted to be confident in our name as this is the starting point so decided to go for Pressing Matters instead:

  • communicates printing methods with 'pressing'
  • pressing (important) matter is the exhibition, it needs to be seen
  • the exhibition will be full of pressing matters - our own work, as well as the events themselves were once or will be a pressing matter
We then started to sketch and design some new brand identity logos:

However none of these ideas were really gripping us so we felt we had to develop them into something else with the help of more research. 

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