Friday 19 May 2017

SB4 Evaluation

This brief further allowed me to develop my skills as a team player, we each utilised each others skills and delegated out the different tasks suited to each person.  To get to the final ideas and designs we each experimented with how we wanted the characters to look, using our own styles to produce a lot of work before evaluating and deciding which style best suited the overall aesthetic we wanted to achieve. Sophia then worked on creating the illustrations as hers were best suited. The other processes such as laser cutting and screen printed were split between us all. As a team we worked well together in terms of organisation as well as creativity.

I believe our final outcome to be successful and the only thing we haven't achieved from the initial brief is that we only have one game set rather than 6 outcomes, however the reason for this is that the game is meant to be kept in the studio, for everyone to have a play of rather than certain people getting to take one home. I have also learnt to take advantage of the resources available to us in the building such as screen printing and the wood workshop (laser cutting). It has made me realise that the limits to what you can create go a lot further than just digitally printing a document. If I were to go back and improve the product I would design and develop a box for the boards to go in, as well as including little envelopes for the cards; this box could then be kept in the bag to keep it clean and safe from general wear and tear.

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