Tuesday, 16 May 2017

SB3 Evaluation

Franklin Gothic ITC Heavy Italic BT.ttf.png
Figure 1

Figure 1 - The typeface ITC Franklin Gothic BT Heavy Italic may be acceptable in Leeds however it has very negative connotations in Liverpool and some other areas so if the posters or invites reached there it would put people off. With this in mind I would have chosen a different tabloid typeface to utilise. (Don’t buy the sun)

Above - The words ‘most’ and ‘least’ in the way-finding system are slightly harsh on the design work so could be rephrased and more information added so that people are aware of the reason for the order. The idea of the work being rearranged based on peoples thoughts is also problematic as logistically it would take a team to sort them every night and a rearrange of layout. A compromise for this is for people to tweet with the hash-tag #pmatterslca their thoughts on the work displayed as well as the order of events and what matters to them. The most tweeted event/ students work appreciated could then be tweeted by the account at the end of that day. I personally feel that my contribution to the group was a good deal, helping with the overall design decisions, organisation and an area of design (way finding) however if given more time I would have done a lot more development work for the designs, to achieve a more advanced system. I also would have created some mockups so that they could be seen in context for the presentation.

Something we missed out on making a big deal of was the use of humour on social media, inspired by sandwich board headlines we could have created a bunch of amusing images/ headlines to add to the social media in the run up to the event such as those below:

Some of the feedback and constructive criticism we received after our presentation follows:
  • Consider the use of stamps for adding red to the promotional material, as well as use in the in exhibition - we did actually consider this in the early stages however moved away from the idea as the logo developed. 
  • There is no need for ‘pressing matters’ to be typed in some of the way-finding as the branding is already loud and visible throughout.
  • The branding could be seen as a little too serious, use some fun in social media e.g. fake news. 
Overall the concept was strong and the branding was consistent through most parts, if we had more time there could be improvements on the production front, for example creating physical mock-ups for the poster, flyer and catalogue so they could be shown with the presentation, as well as giving us an idea of if the production was doable. The gifs also could have been developed to include information on the event to be added as sponsored ads on the likes of Facebook. As a team we all had an impact on the overall brand feel as well as the physical work we produced, we worked well together and the communication was there.

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