Monday 15 May 2017

SB3 Initial Ideas 01


  • HUGO
  • WILL

What is it: An exhibition celebrating the public spaces (Events) of Leeds through traditional printing methods.
Why should you visit: These are one-off prints by current level 4 and 5 graphic design students in Leeds College of Art. It is a chance to see individual and unique creative work that celebrates the history and culture of Leeds.
Unique selling point: Only traditional printing methods such as screen printing, mono printing, letter press and foil printing - each print is unique.
Audience: Creative community in Leeds - students, teachers and designers approx aged (18-40)

Exhibition Name Ideas:

  • Public space - celebrating events in public spaces, exhibition is in a public space
  • Loidis - old name - old printing traditions
  • Ay up - maybe some other piece of Leeds based slang
  • Made you look
  • That's leeds is that
  • Collective
  • Squeegee (#ay up get ya squeegee out) - humour
  • Press/ pressed... pressing matters
  • Contact - between the ink and screens and paper/material
  • Papercut
  • Blenheim Walk 123 - room number of print room
  • Impress
  • Imprint
  • Printworks
  • Loidis
  • Ay up
  • Imprint
  • Made you look
  • Press/ pressed - impress, pressing concern, pressing matters, matter of press
  • Contact
Looking at concepts - what is it? how does it work? why does it work?

Made you look
Pros: References that the audience will be looking at our prints and it grabs your attention
Cons: Has been done before in London

Pros: Fun and playful
Cons: Only references screen printing, not the other methods of traditional printing & possibly too childish - sounds like a toy and the general public won't know what it means

Imprint/ IMPRNT
Pros: Encompasses LCA's 'imprint' on the city of Leeds, name references all methods of printing
Cons: Has been done in London

Pros: References the physical side of traditional printing - you have contact with the creating and printing process, unlike digital, which is artificial.
Cons: Too mundane/ general

Pros: Our prints will impress the audience, Reference to a printing press/ you press the screens/letterpress/etc.
Cons: Arrogant? Reference not obvious enough


  • communicates that it is a print exhibition with the name literally featuring the word 'print'
  • communicates that it is an important event - it will leave an imprint on the city and the viewers of the exhibition
  • communicates that it is traditional methods i.e. print, and not digital/ moving image/ etc.
  • appeals to target audience - removing vowels is trendy with young people and "cool companies"
  • catchy slogans: IMPRNT, impact, impress, important, etc. e.g. "for impact, go imprnt".
  • remove all the vowels: imprnt, imprss, impssbl, imprtnt - stripped back aesthetic, we don't need vowels, we don't need modern equipment.
  • discover the imprints left by each student - their footprints on the city of Leeds, via their prints celebrating it
  • stamps - imprinted
  • they/we/he/she/ I'm print
  • logo and identity
  • social media identity
  • catalogue
  • 15 minute presentation pitch
  • collateral - posters, flyers, billboards, banners, how the branding will look inside the exhibtion
  • way finding systems and signage
  • opening night invites

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