Friday 19 May 2017

406 Module Evaluation

I really enjoyed this module as a whole, as it consisted of four separate studio briefs, I got to experiment with a few different types of design, as well as different processes - some that I haven't done since sixth form so it was nice to utilise old skills, as well as building on them and realising that they can be used within graphic design. For example previously I had experience laser cutting for product design, however I now realise it can be very helpful for creating stamps, laser cutting into wood to make designs more interesting etc. Another process that I enjoyed in the end was screen printing, I hadn't done it for over a year was needed a few test runs first to get the right kind of print, however after using the screen print room a few times for studio brief 02 and 04 I can now complete the process of getting a screen ready rather quickly. This enjoyment of screen printing has made me consider getting a screen of my own to create personal work which would help me develop as a designer in my own time. This brief has also taught me a lot about time management and organisation, having to juggle a couple of briefs at a time would have seemed impossible at the start of the year however now I am able to prioritise work and have it all ready in time. One of the ways I kept on top of this submission was to create my design boards for finished briefs rather than leaving them till last minute, I have also learnt to keep my blog up to date when I produce work or do any research as this makes the design boards a lot easier - I know what I was thinking and why I made decisions at the time rather than having to try and think back. I enjoyed all of the briefs for different reasons, for brief 01 I enjoyed designing and illustrating a book, utilising skills I have built on since joining the course such as use of grids to create good layouts, as well as carefully selecting typefaces and creating a hierarchy. I enjoyed studio brief 02 as we had total creative freedom with it, once I chose an event I designed the poster to my own style, yet keeping it relevant to the event. Studio brief 03 was interesting as I am not used to working in groups, at first I thought it would be very difficult for us all to contribute work that was coherent, however after group meetings and brand guidelines being put in place it was a success. For studio brief 04 I decided to work in a group again as I thought it would be good for us all to utilise each others skills, it worked well and I am happy with the finished result. Overall looking back on work before this module I can see how much I have grown as a designer, both in terms of creative skill but also how I organise myself and manage time, as well as how I act with my peers in critiques and group situations.

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