Monday 4 March 2019

SB7: Branding

Through the branding I want to communicate a friendly, hip, exciting, organic, sophisticated restaurant. The food/ drink will be affordable but the style of the food will be more upmarket than a fast food/ cafe type business.
  • logo design
  • packaging - bags for deliveroo
  • brand guidelines
  • web design

The colour scheme will help communicate these adjectives, warm and timeless colours can achieve this. One of the best words to use to gather a colour palette would be organic, as this is in reference to the food, and the message communicated through the branding should include the tone of the food. In terms of menu design, all of the research I have conducted points towards using light backgrounds, with a dark text as this combination is the easiest to read.

The most common colours that can be extracted from food on the menu are as follows:
  • brown 
  • green
  • pink
  • yellow
  • orange
  • purple
Most of the ingredients are vibrant colours, this is deliberate as the meals are to be vibrant and inviting. The colour scheme will be slightly muted, to ensure legibility and keep the brand looking sophisticated - bright colours could look tacky/ childish. I am going to use Pantone to find the colours to ensure consistency throughout the collateral. 





This will be used for body copy on the menu and other collateral. Regular will be the dish names, whilst italic will be for the descriptions.

Code Saver will be used for any headers and special offers on the menu, as well as any collateral such as business cards and on the website. 

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