Wednesday 6 March 2019

SB7: Menu Development 02

Evening Menu

For the front cover, I wanted something more than just the restaurants logo. The menu is the first thing you are given in a restaurant, or even seen from the outside if there is a copy on display in the window or a stand. The illustration used for the front cover is intriguing and has a sophisticated/ arty feel. The illustration itself is a line drawing of tenderstem brocolli - which features on the menu and is seen as a luxury vegetable. The illustration is zoomed in beyond being able to tell what it is, but the illustration will be used on the website and business cards. 

These pages are the 2nd and 3rd, providing the customer with information about the restaurant and letting them know jardin can deal with any special requests. 

I used the primary colours that were decided on the branding blog post. For the evening menu, the green and brown compliment each other well and are appropriate for a summer menu, as well as the things on it.  

Breakfast Menu

The daily menu is a similar setup, just with less pages and with orange complimenting the primary brown instead of green. The main reason is so that the serves, as well as customers can easily distinguish the two menus.

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