Thursday 7 March 2019

SB7: Website Design Development

Research shows that most restaurant websites are simple and straight to the point, this makes them successful as a potential customer just wants to find out where they are, what they can eat, if they can book and that is basically it. With this in mind, I decided I would create a website that was formed mainly on one page that you just scroll down - with the exception of the menu. 

Before starting the design I did a few quick sketches of layout ideas for the website. The landing page will be jardin's logo, surrounded by the broccoli line illustration. The website will also feature an about section, locations and of course the menu - broken into daily, a la carte and drinks.

Before adding the rest of the content, this is the initial layout idea, the broccoli illustration will flow down the page, into another and another if necessary. The copy will compliment the illustration in the grooves and be the same typeface couple as the menus - as is laid out in the branding.

I added a background, I didn't think this was relevant for the physical menus, but for a website a shade that compliments the contents works really well. I added a 'please scroll' text just in case it isn't clear to users, also a description of the type of food jardin serve. The menu has a brief description and is then split into a la carte, drinks & desserts, and daily. Slightly different to the actual menus, for the reason that potential customers might just be interested in drinks and not need to see the whole food menu - it may be off putting, whereas in the restaurant the server can open the menus at the right page. Lastly is the locations, I thought about adding a booking form but decided against cluttering the minimal design and simply added a phone number/ announced there was no booking taking. 

The menu design is pretty much the same, without the borders and with the add on of a close button, to enable the user to go back to the home page. The addition of backwards and forwards buttons is helpful for users than want to flick through the whole menu without having to go back home and then find the next section.

I optimised the website design for mobile as a lot of possible customers are likely to find the restaurant on their mobile, it is therefore essential the website is mobile friendly as there is nothing worse than website than is the same on mobile and having to zoom in. 

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