Monday 4 March 2019

SB7: Logo Development

As i still hadn't decided on the name at the point of initial ideas, I experimented with all three to help choose a name that would look the best as a logotype. 

For this one I experimented with a typeface by manipulating some of the letters to make for a more interesting visual. The letters are all different weights and shapes due to the manipulation, they resemble organic vegetables, grown for their taste rather than aesthetic. 

For this name, I took a different approach - playing around with the order and layout of the words in the name. A serif typeface shows a level of sophistication and makes it feel trustworthy. The box in the bottom one would contain a small icon related to vegetables. 

Above is some experimentation using the same typeface before but with a different name, the letters in this name are quite awkward to work with as capitals, I won't be taking this idea any further. 

For the final name idea, I used a few different typefaces, it was a lot easier to work with than the other two names as it is short and snappy. Trying both upper and lowercase letters, the lowercase works the best, the letter forms flow well and look great together. 

I took the final idea forward and decided on this name. I manipulated some of the letter to create a smoother type, also bringing down the tittles for j and i to create a more friendly and sophisticated look. 

Above is the final logo, the primary colour will be black however can be changed on other collateral depending on what accompanies it. 

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