Tuesday 5 March 2019

SB7: Menu Development 01

The first step to creating the menu was to setup the document in InDesign, I used a modular grid to ensure consistency throughout the pages and give a structure to the copy. The menu design will be simplistic but sophisticated, the main aim is to be legible whilst also communicating good quality food. Following the research I did on successful similar restaurants menus I will keep the pages free from clutter.

Using 12 point type I managed to fit all of the courses onto the a5 pages, the small plates and large plates will be a spread, with the sides to the bottom. This layout ensures the customer can see everything easily without having to flick through different pages.

This is the front cover, it features the logo large in the middle, with summer menu and a la carte in the heading type - code saver. Below is a mock-up of the order in which the pages will be for the menu.

From the mock up above I arranged the spreads.

Above is the order in which the spreads have to be for me to test print, the printer I have doesn't print double sided so the pages will be printed and then put back in to print on the other side. The main reason for this initial test print was to ensure that the text size is readable and that the order works well for the user. 

The test prints were successful for the first draft, I will now further develop the menus using the colours mentioned on the branding blogs, as well as some illustrations in order to make it slightly more exciting.  

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