Wednesday 3 April 2019

SB3: BBC GoodFood App

BBC GoodFood

Landing page featuring logo of the app and a simple sign in or create account option. The background is a clean food photograph and the colours used are BBC GoodFood brand colours. 

To sign you, you need your email, a username and password. I am going to keep my app more simplistic and just use email and password, there is no use for usernames as it doesn't have a social element. 

The next page asks if you would like to sign up to their newsletter and other special offers. This is appropriate for the BBC however I wouldn't have it at this stage as too many pages before log in could lose the attention span of people.

The first page you get when you enter is search, with a message boasting how many recipes are available on the platform. There are also suggestions below - I am going to have a separate explore and search page, the explore page will be tailored to the user. 

The search results are listed with information such as ratings, how long it takes, as well as the option to filter results into either recipes/ collections and members recipes. The recipes available on Appetite will not be rated, as they are all tried and tested and uploaded by trusted chefs etc. This also removes the need in having the filter option.

Recipe pages feature a photograph of the meal, the name, who it is by, the ratings and also the option to save the recipe. 

Scrolling down shows you the ingredients and method - I am going to design my app for mainly iPad use, so the screen and space available will be larger and allow both the ingredients and method to be seen without scrolling. From research I discovered the main reason people use cook books over using the internet or apps is having to scroll with wet hands etc. 

 There is also an option to share recipes via social medias and save to notes - this option will not be on Appetite, it is a paid service and therefore sharing wont' be enabled. 

When you go to the my good food tab, you can search using keyword, and also sort by a-z/ z-a/ recently added/ highest rated. I will use a similar sorting way in the my recipe book section, to help the user easily find what they are looking for. 

Settings takes you to the profile, sign out, password, email preferences and other documents such as t&cs. 

The profile shows simply your username and email, with the guide to visit their website to change any personal information. The profile page on Appetite will show all billing details, as well as personal and also give the option to change these online. 

Overall, the BBC GoodFood app is very well presented, it is user friendly as all the icons are familiar and the flow works well. The colours used are minimal and stick to branding guidelines. The fact you can sort your recipes into collections and cookbooks could be useful for some users, but would just be unnecessary for most, they wouldn't bother with changing and adding recipes to each one - a simple search option in the goodfood area would suffice. 

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