Thursday 4 April 2019

SB3: Target Audience

What are a person’s goals on my app?

  • to find a recipe that is trustworthy and then recreate it
  • for the search and explore features to be easy and straight forward 

What are a person’s motivations for using it?
  • to find recipe ideas, based on what ingredients they have or what chefs they like
  • to organise saved recipes and be able to search through them
  • for the ingredients and method to be clear and all on one screen, without the need to scroll
A quote to capture the general attitude towards the app

  • a familiar and reliable source of tried and tested recipes, from family favourites to exotic new tries. 
Other apps they may like?

  • facebook
  • bbc goodfood
  • yummly
  • spotify
  • netflix
The target audience is mainly likely to be people who have the money to spend on a subscription, people who spend good money on food and cookery books. Age range 25-50, people with families who enjoy cooking for them, and young adults starting out and developing their culinary skills. 

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