Monday 29 April 2019

SB9: Development 02

For the second t-shirt design I decided to go with the second idea from the initials - flowers represent personal growth, everyone is at different stages and that is okay - don't compare yourself. However I wanted to change the theme/ message around this one to be more about diversity and being different rather than the personal growth route. 

I drew out some flowers in illustrator to begin with, they will be paired with the quote ' A lot of different flowers make a bouquet.' but worded slightly different. I didn't want to draw a bouquet as I wanted the flowers to be seen in all their beauty alone, before they would be put together to be made even more beautiful.

I experimented with different colours and the typeface seen above. I thought that a sans serif would stand out and compliment the delicate drawings, however they just didn't go well together. Below I decided on a serif - Delicato Pro Regular. It compliments the drawings and with the alignment fits well with the design.

 I had used white and black for a dramatic effect with contrast before realising I hadn't used the Pantone yellow that the competition requires.

I incorporated their Pantone Yellow by having the flower outlines and detail/ stems contrasting in either yellow and black, or yellow and white. The design could be printed on either black or white t-shirts as it works well both ways. I personally feel that the black background is the strongest as it allows the design to stand out and be seen a lot more.

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