Thursday 11 April 2019

SB3: Evaluation

The final design for the app is successful in what the brief set out for background and considerations. A persons motivations/goals for using the app would be: to find recipe ideas based on ingredients or chef, to be able to search through them easily and for the layout to be simplistic enough that the ingredients and method are all on the one page, without the need of scrolling. This came up a lot through the research I did, a lot of people are put off using websites or apps for cooking as the screen goes off, or they have to touch it to get to the next page, which isn't what you want when you've got your hands full of food. This was one of the main things I thought about when designing the app, I considered doing it mainly for iPhone screen use, however thought an iPad would be more suited as it gives more space to work with, and a lot of families have family iPads, used generally around the house. 

The colour palette of the app was all about giving off a reliable feel, so that users trust it, whilst also sending peoples thoughts to food; if I had more time to focus on this brief I would have produced advertising to go with the app, the colours used for the logo would make people subconsciously hungry and want to try out the app. All of the decisions made during the design of the app were based on research, whether it was about why people still love cookery books, UX design and familiarity, or competitor apps. The toolbar at the bottom of the app ensures that the user can get to any page easily, and the highlight of icons helps the user be always aware of what page they are on, as the target audience includes the older generation, some of them won't be as tech savvy and millennials and this is essential to include them. Minimising need for typing was also a big thing, I made sure that the sign up pages were split up into sections, if someone saw a page with a lot of scrolling they would be put off - the same goes for the personalisation pages, I made sure to add a skip button for those who didn't want this feature, and kept it short and sweet - unlike some of the competitors apps. 

Through analysing other websites and apps, I was able to pull the successful features, and avoid the things that would make people with short attention spans avoid the app. During the app design, I had an iPad next to my laptop previewing the design, this helped a lot with the design process, it allowed me to instantly decide whether colours, typefaces and shapes worked on that size screen, rather than having to wait till the end and prototype it. Organising the pages whilst still designing was also a massive factor in making it successful, I grouped the relevant pages together and this avoided a lot of confusion with the order. The design is contemporary and easy to use, the flow of the app works well and the user would have no difficulty navigating. The app delivers everything I set out for it to, one thing I would have added was the option to log out from the profile page, this however is something that is easily done. 

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