Monday 29 April 2019

SB9: Development 01

The first design I decided to further develop was  3 - a heart, representing love and two faces within - you can't tell their gender, race or therefore sexuality.

I took to Illustrator to create a vector heart and minimal facial features, the couple share a set of lips as they are intimate, the only differences the eyelashes and eyebrows. At first glance you would presume it is a female and male, however eyelashes alone cannot give this away. 

The above are experiments with the minimal features, they are deliberate as to not give any indication about the people they represent. It is about diversity and anyone can relate.
 I then decided to experiment with colour, as the brief indicates, it is essential to include their brand colour - Pantone: 7404c Yellow.

To begin with I used the yellow with red, as they contrast yet compliment each-other. I used the clipping mask tool to create a heart shape with the colours. I then thought about a way of including everyone with yellow and yellow - the primary colours if you add blue. A relevant idea as every colour can be made from these three primary colours. The illustration is inclusive of sexual orientation, whatever gender you identify as - as well race inclusive!
I further played around with different colours to see what went best with the Pantone yellow, using different shades to represent skin tones, before however deciding the strongest outcome was the use of the primary colours. 

Above is the final outcome, I enlarged the blue box to cover more of the heart - this strengthens the design. I also changed some of the features once again to find the perfect balance, making the lips a little smaller and changing the angle of eyebrows.

I produced some t-shirt mockups to ensure the design would look good after production and in context, I think the design is strong in this placement, but would be more desirable to millennials in the position seen below. The pocket placement is trendy and seen a lot in t-shirts at the moment.

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